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Спиращи дъха кадри от Международната космическа станция

20 юни 2016 г. в 09:59
Последно: 19 юни 2024 г. в 10:27

Британският астронавт Тим Пийк се прибра на земята в събота, заедно с руснака Юри Маленченко и американеца Тимоти Копра. Те прекараха 6 месеца на Международната космическа станция. НАСА публикува няколко невероятни снимки, направени от британеца, в това число селфито горе.

ESA astronaut Tim Peake took this image from the International Space Station during his six-month Principia mission. He commented: "I love orbiting over Africa - it is like flying over a canvas of art #AfricaArt"Professional photographer Max Alexander has known Tim Peake from before his launch into space and gave Tim photography tips during his mission. Max comments: "This picture of an African desert is all about texture and vibrant colour. It could also easily be taken for a satellite image of Mars â with its rusty orange tones. As Tim said - there are more similarities between Mars and the Earth than you think."


Това например прилича на кадър от Марс, но всъщност е африканска пустиня. „Обичам да летя над Африка“, пише Пийк за тази снимка. „Все едно прелиташ над картина – маслени бои от серия африканско изкуство“, казва още той.

ESA astronaut Tim Peake took this image from the International Space Station during his six-month Principia mission. He commented: "We have phases of 'short nights' on the International Space Station â sunlight is nearly always visible right now. Noprizes for guessing where this isâ¦"Professional photographer Max Alexander has known Tim Peake from before his launch into space and gave Tim photography tips during his mission. Max comments: "Italy is bathed in twilight in this emblematic photograph, with artificial light balanced out by the remnants of the day. Shot at the end of May, the International Space Station was orbiting with short nights at this time, and with sunlight never far away â as you can see on the curve of the Earth."


Най-известният полуостров в Европа (а вероятно и в света) сниман в здрача. Италианският ботуш, заедно със Сицилия на преден план вдясно и Сардиния и Корсика вляво. Снимката е направена в края на май в края на залеза, осветяващ съвсем леко Средиземно море. „Който познае къде е това, няма да получи награда“, коментира Пийк.

ESA astronaut Tim Peake took this image from the International Space Station during his six-month Principia mission. He commented: "Tonight's waxing gibbous moonset - goodnight Earth :)"Professional photographer Max Alexander has known Tim Peake from before his launch into space and gave Tim photography tips during his mission. Max comments: "The most striking aspect is how distorted and oblate the Moon appears â which is caused by the atmosphere refracting the sunlight. Then there is the exquisite transition from the deep sky blue, through to the inky black of space."


Гледката от МКС към Луната. В кадъра, направен от Пийк, земният спътник изглежда плосък.

ESA astronaut Tim Peake took this image from the International Space Station during his six-month Principia mission. He commented: "66 million years ago a 14-km wide asteroid struck this part of Mexico and wiped out the dinosaurs."Professional photographer Max Alexander has known Tim Peake from before his launch into space and gave Tim photography tips during his mission. Max comments: "Tim really scored a bull's eye with this shot of the Yucatan Peninsula, which would have required quite a bit of planning for a favourable orbit. When 66 million years ago, a city-sized asteroid collided with the Earth, right in the middle of the photograph, it wiped out the dinosaurs and 75% of life on Earth. You can imagine an asteroid coming from space and hitting the Earth in this photograph. I asked Tim to take this picture while an offshore scientific expedition was drilling into the submerged impact crater, and also for Asteroid Day â an annual global event on June 30th that raises awareness about the threat of asteroids â which is in partnership with ESA. "

Полуостров Юкатан, Централна Америка

Върхът на полуостров Юкатан в Мексико. „Преди 66 милиона години 14-километров астероид удря тази част на Мексико и изтрива динозаврите от лицето на Земята“, коментира Тим Пийк своята снимка.

ESA astronaut Tim Peake took this image from the International Space Station during his six-month Principia mission. He commented: "Spotted volcano smoking away on Russia's far east coast this morning â heat has melted snow around top."Professional photographer Max Alexander has known Tim Peake from before his launch into space and gave Tim photography tips during his mission. Max comments: "Volcanic ash seems to merge into the clouds in this majestic scene from Russia's east coast â with the snow melting around the mountaintop. Low raking light gives form to this monochromatic cloudscape."


Активен вулкан в далечния Изток на Русия. Димът, излизащ от кратера се смесва с облаците. Жегата е разтопила снега и ледовете около върха на кратера.

ESA astronaut Tim Peake took this image from the International Space Station during his six-month Principia mission. He commented: "One of my favourite pics so far â Patagonia's beautiful southern ice field."Professional photographer Max Alexander has known Tim Peake from before his launch into space and gave Tim photography tips during his mission. Max comments: "A Patagonian ice field spills into the ocean at the southern tip of Chile, seeming to create swirls of chocolate and cream frozen in time. This is one of Tim's favourite photographs - maybe he's missing ice cream⦠"


Тази е една от любимите снимки на астронавта. На снимката е глетчер в южния край на Чили. Движението на ледените маси към океана е видимо.

ESA astronaut Tim Peake took this image from the International Space Station during his six-month Principia mission. He commented: "From one mighty ocean to another â ships passing through the Panama canal."Professional photographer Max Alexander has known Tim Peake from before his launch into space and gave Tim photography tips during his mission. Max comments: "I really like the way Tim has used the clouds to frame the Panama Canal â giving a sense of the division between North and South America, and the passageway between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Also the use of scale â once you see that those are ships lined up down there, the picture really comes together, and shows you how the Panama Canal works."

Панамският канал

Панамският канал свързва Атлантическия с Тихия океан. Снимката на астронавта Пийк е направена от Север.

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